The summer has been a whirlwind so far, and I keep trying to catch my breath, but I don't seem to be able to. As of May 27th I turned in all of my work for my INC and now am just awaiting the grade change. I'm also changing my mind on this community music thing and want to just go back to Music Ed. I'm two courses and student teaching away from getting certified, and I can't do another year like this past one... It's burning me out.
Since school ended I've done nothing but work, work, work or sleep. Occasionally I'll do housework or yard work as well, or run errands, but it's mostly work. Working in Westford isn't really working out how I wanted it to either...I'm s
pending more money on food because of the lack of kitchen than I anticipated and being poor is getting old fast... but I'm learning how to budget my money, I suppose.
My birthday passed, and I have to say, as far as birthdays go, this was a very low drama, fun-filled birthday! I saw NKOTBSB at FENWAY on my birthday!!! It was epic. Seriously epic. We decked ourselves out in 80's garb (made our own shirts!) and did ourselves all up with hair and makeup and set out, and did nothing but scream and be littl
e girls for 4 hours of amazing concert!
Now, I don't usually go to a lot of concerts (I value my ears too much, but this concert was seriously awesome! I mean, I was never a big New Kids on the Block fan, but they were fantastic, and the Backstreet Boys were incredible as well! Such a tight, awesome concert with my girlfriends from home!
I'm also looking for some new books to read for the summer. I got a nook! Well, I got my grandma's old nook because she got a new one... either way, I need books to download and read. My theory is that if I have something portable that isn't cumbersome in my hands I might just read more. We shall see! I think my first books is going to be Chuck Klosterman's "Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs". :D