Wednesday, January 12, 2011

for Auld Lang Syne...

Everyone takes the new year to start fresh, making New Year's Resolutions and all of that. I tried not to make resolutions this year. I'm terrible at keeping resolutions. Like, I'm beyond terrible at keeping resolutions. Instead I made goals, and realizations. Goals, because I can keep a goal slowly over time. A goal I don't have to be perfect with. I can make mistakes and have lows and highs as long as I try my hardest to ultimately achieve my goal over the course of 2011. Resolutions have always seemed so very black and white to me, and thus, they set people up for failure. I like to keep my options open.

In all of my backward-sounding logic, I was able to make a few "goals" that I'd like to keep over the course of 2011.

1. Live Healthier.

This one isn't going so hot at the moment because winter break and my insane commute to work prevents me from being near kitchens long enough to make healthy food. I've made strides, however the mall food court can only be so healthy. I am just very tired of gaining and losing weight depending on my stress level.
2. Loosen Up!

I've spent too much of my life following rules and trying to do what is "right." Granted, this has kept me out of trouble, however, maybe I shouldn't be out of trouble. Maybe I should just... live.

3. Learn when to shut up.

I'm doing better with this one. Not quite perfect, but better. End it before there's a conflict. Shut up before you get upset. Don't bother getting upset. It's not worth the stress anymore.

There's also been a lot of reflection happening in my life right now as well... I learned a few good things from both my breakup this summer, and a good friend of mine, helping me figure my shit out, whether they meant to or not. They know who they are, and will remain anonymous as a result. I'm sure they'll appreciate it.

1. I need to learn when the hell to shut up.
2. I need to loosen the hell up.
3. I am attractive and talented.
4. My eyes are my best feature.
5. I am way stronger than I've given myself credit for.

There were more that I can't remember right now, but those were the biggies. I know they were things that I should have known, but I'd let myself get so dragged down I had forgotten. Either way, 2011 is a year of discovery and (hopefully) fun. So here's to 2011. May our goals be met and may we never forget who we are and what our strengths are.

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