Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring Break!

Spring Break is supposed to be a vacation...right? Well, this break is a break from classes and an opportunity to be thrust right into homework for after break... *sigh*

Either way! I've been fairly productive! More productive than I would be if I had classes and rehearsal every day.

Here's the list of things I wanted to accomplish by the end of break!

  • Apply for Passport
  • Get Car Inspected
  • File Taxes
  • Go to my Doctor's appointment, FINALLY
  • File FAFSA
  • Get Car the once over at the shop
  • Second Interview in Westford
  • Figure out tech week class conflicts
  • Read first 6 chapters of Bridging the Gap
  • Read Experience and Education (Dewey Book) - Started.
  • Catch up on blog posts and discussions for Seminar
  • Timeline and transcription of All Along the Watchtower
  • Find the Context of Berlioz score and start analyzing for presentation
  • Send out education outreach emails to local schools for RENT
  • Write a large majority of the Program for RENT
  • Get costume pieces from Storage unit
  • Work on Lines and blocking for opera/Get off-book
So you can see from what's highlighted in red that I've been very productive, just not as productive as I would have liked to have been by this point in the week. I'm hoping to get through a LOT more work tomorrow... I miss when vacation was vacation. The last two weeks burnt me out so much I couldn't even start doing my homework right away, because I kept falling asleep and taking naps, just to let my brain recharge... I can't wait until life settles down a little. I've always been a fast-paced person, but this is getting ridiculous.

My doctor told me I needed to make more time to relax because I didn't want to be one of those Type A, constantly stressed people who has a heart attack at age 27. She's right. I'm going to try to do a yoga video once a day to de-stress and focus. Hopefully it helps.

I also, once I'm caught up for good on my schoolwork, want to spend at least ten minutes a day writing. I keep saying I miss writing, and I am not kidding. It will happen, I just need to keep reminding myself to write...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What is vacation again?

The past two weeks have been hell on Earth. Rehearsing 6 days a week, full time school, and grad work that never seems to's been miserable. Midterms are not helping either. This semester of graduate school is miserable. Last semester I managed to balance everything while working three times as many hours of work, an internship, and being sick all fall. For some reason this semester is kicking my ass. I'm just praying I make it through by the skin of my teeth to next year.

I still miss writing... I still want to write. I still plan on writing. I just need to keep my sanity in the process. Thus, I will try by getting the energy to write in between the mount Everest-sized pile of homework I was assigned this spring break.

Hopefully you see something interesting from me this week! Happy Spring break everyone!