Either way! I've been fairly productive! More productive than I would be if I had classes and rehearsal every day.
Here's the list of things I wanted to accomplish by the end of break!
- Apply for Passport
- Get Car Inspected
- File Taxes
- Go to my Doctor's appointment, FINALLY
- File FAFSA
- Get Car the once over at the shop
- Second Interview in Westford
- Figure out tech week class conflicts
- Read first 6 chapters of Bridging the Gap
- Read Experience and Education (Dewey Book) - Started.
- Catch up on blog posts and discussions for Seminar
- Timeline and transcription of All Along the Watchtower
- Find the Context of Berlioz score and start analyzing for presentation
- Send out education outreach emails to local schools for RENT
- Write a large majority of the Program for RENT
- Get costume pieces from Storage unit
- Work on Lines and blocking for opera/Get off-book
My doctor told me I needed to make more time to relax because I didn't want to be one of those Type A, constantly stressed people who has a heart attack at age 27. She's right. I'm going to try to do a yoga video once a day to de-stress and focus. Hopefully it helps.
I also, once I'm caught up for good on my schoolwork, want to spend at least ten minutes a day writing. I keep saying I miss writing, and I am not kidding. It will happen, I just need to keep reminding myself to write...