Sunday, June 13, 2010

I have so many stories to share, and so little time with which to share them. I am hoping to make a decent post soon, however, and I apologize to anyone following this blog for my lack of posting.

Work has been crazy. 18 hour days and way too many staff meetings, however, I love working in a job that's not retail, and a job that is so understanding as well. Sometimes I do feel overwhelmed, I mean, I've never worked on such a large staff, and with so many people around my age.

I also turned 23, which was a shit show in and of itself. I had a great birthday, don't get me wrong...I'm just quickly tiring of being around drama. Leave the drama in your suites and don't thrust it upon my life, okay? Okay.

Sometime this week I am hoping to post a story, I just need to muster the energy/time with which to do this. Hopefully this post suffices until then.
